


海湾标准化组织(GSO)此前发布了关于G-Mark认证测试报告的接受期限及产品可追溯性的新要求。 作为海湾合作委员会标准化组织GSO的公告机构,DEKRA德凯致力于扩大中东这一战略领域的服务组合,针对阿联酋科威特、卡塔尔、巴林和阿曼等其他中东国家开展业务,提供测试和认证服务。

  • 1 Maximum Acceptance Period for Test Results:
  • 1 测试报告的最长接受期限:
    • 1.1 Test results shall be generally considered valid only if obtained within a period no longer than 3 years prior to the date of the manufacturer’s application for G-Mark certification to the Notified Body.
    • 1.1 一般情况下只有在制造商向公告机构递交G-MARK认证申请之日前3年内的测试结果可以被接受。
    • 1.2 Effective immediately, test results utilized for Gulf Type Examination certification will be considered valid if obtained within a period not exceeding three years from the date of actual test performance. This period is determined from the date when testing activities were completed and issued the test report, as explicitly stated in the laboratory testing report.
    • 1.2 G-mark认证申请的测试报告的实际测试时间不超过三年才被视为有效。计算此期限以报告中说明的测试完成时间为准。
  • 2 测试报告与申请认证产品的可追溯性:
  • 2 Traceability of the test reports to the products applied for certification:
    • 2.1 Test reports shall explicitly reference the manufacturer, brand, and model of the products applied to be certified for G-Mark.
    • 2.1 测试报告应明确标明申请G-Mark认证的产品的制造商、品牌和型号。
    • 2.2 The manufacturing location (factory), if indicated in the test report, shall match the information provided in the application for certification.
    • 2.2 如果测试报告中标明了生产地点(工厂),则应与认证申请中提供的信息相符。
    • 2.3 The test reports shall include sufficient photo documentation of the tested products to permit the Notified Body to identify the applied product (model), in particular in case of family models or product series.
    • 2.3 测试报告应包含充足的测试产品的照片,以便公告机构识别申请的产品(型号),特别是在涉及系列型号或产品系列的情况下。
  • 3 Product Conformity Declaration (PID):
  • 3 产品一致性声明(PID):
    • 3.1 In cases where the test report does not directly correspond to the product model applied for certification, a Product Identity Declaration (PID) or Declaration of Identity (DOI) shall be provided showing the correlation, similarities and differences between the products applied for certification and the tested products and include the references to all test reports that show the relevant test results.
    • 3.1 在测试报告的产品型号未直接对应申请认证的产品型号的情况下,应提供产品一致性声明,以表明申请认证的产品与测试产品之间的关联、相似点和差异,声明中需要包含所有相关的测试报告信息。
    • 3.2 The PID/DOI shall be signed by an authorized person on behalf of the manufacturer or his authorized representative (e.g. technical responsible or top management representative) and issued on an official letter showing the name and address of the issuing company.
    • 3.2 PID/DOI应由制造商或其授权代表(例如,技术负责人或高层管理代表)授权人员签署,并以显示发行公司名称和地址的正式信函形式出具。