
Viridian Concepts Limited T/A Viridian Solar
Address of Licensee:Viridian Concepts Limited T/A Viridian Solar
Atlas Building, 68 Stirling Way, Papworth,
Cambridge, CB23 3GY, UK
Product:Monocrystalline/Polycrystalline Silicon PV Modules
Type(s):PV Module with Monocrystalline Cells:
Clearline PV16-xxx (xxx=300-350, in step of 5W)
PV Module with Polycrystalline Cells:
Clearline PV16-xxxP-W (xxx=270-305, in step of 5W)
Clearline PV16-xxxP-B (xxx=270-305, in step of 5W)
Requirements specified in StandardsIEC 61215-1:2016;
EN 61215-1:2016;
IEC 61215-1-1:2016;
EN 61215-1-1:2016;
IEC 61215-2:2016;
EN 61215-2:2017;
IEC 61730-1:2016;
EN IEC 61730-1:2018;
IEC 61730-2:2016;
EN IEC 61730-2:2018.
Date9 October 2020