
Chint Solar (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd.
Address of Licensee:1335 Bin An Rd, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 310053, P.R. China
Product:Crystalline Silicon PV Modules
Type(s):With mono c-Si cells:
Maximum System Voltage: 1000V
CHSM6612M-xxx (xxx=330-405, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
CHSM6610M-xxx (xxx=275-335, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
CHSM6612M (BL)-xxx (xxx=330-405, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
CHSM6610M (BL)-xxx (xxx=275-335, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
CHSM72M(BL)-HC-xxx (xxx=330-430, in steps of 5, 144 cells)
CHSM60M(BL)-HC-xxx (xxx=275-355, in steps of 5, 120 cells)
CHSM72M/LV-HC-xxx (xxx=330-455, in steps of 5, 144 cells)
CHSM60M/LV-HC-xxx (xxx=275-380, in steps of 5, 120 cells)
Maximum System Voltage: 1500V
CHSM6612M/HV-xxx (xxx=330-405, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
CHSM6610M/HV-xxx (xxx=275-335, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
CHSM72M-HC-xxx (xxx=330-455, in steps of 5, 144 cells)
CHSM60M-HC-xxx (xxx=275-380, in steps of 5, 120 cells)
CHSM72M-GH-XXX (xxx=380-415, in steps of 5, 144 cells)
CHSM60M-GH-XXX (xxx=315-345, in steps of 5, 120 cells)
CHSM72M-TH-XXX (xxx=380-415, in steps of 5, 144 cells)
CHSM60M-TH-XXX (xxx=315-345, in steps of 5, 120 cells)

With poly c-Si cells:
Maximum System Voltage: 1000V
CHSM6612P-xxx (xxx=310-390, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
CHSM6610P-xxx (xxx=260-325, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
CHSM6612P (BL)-xxx (xxx=310-390, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
CHSM6610P (BL)-xxx (xxx=260-325, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
CHSM72P/LV-HC-xxx (xxx=315-405, in steps of 5, 144 cells)
CHSM60P/LV-HC-xxx (xxx=260-335, in steps of 5, 120 cells)
Maximum System Voltage: 1500V
CHSM6612P/HV-xxx (xxx=310-390, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
CHSM6610P/HV-xxx (xxx=260-325, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
CHSM72P-HC-xxx (xxx=315-405, in steps of 5, 144 cells)
CHSM60P-HC-xxx (xxx=260-335, in steps of 5, 120 cells)
Requirements specified in Standards• IEC 61215-1: 2016
• IEC 61215-1-1: 2016
• IEC 61215-2: 2016
• IEC 61730-1: 2016
• IEC 61730-2: 2016
Date6 August 2020