DEKRA CTC was authorized and approved by NCC (National Communications Commission) as RCB (Recognized Certification Body) since December 2006, to certify product in respect of Low Power Radio Frequency Devices and Telecommunication Terminal Equipments. DEKRA CTC devotes to serve our customers with professional services, while position itself as an impartial certification body.
Service Items
  • Low Power RF device for NCC type approval certification. ( LP0002 )
  • GSM Mobile Phone for NCC type approval certification. ( PLMN01 )
  • DCS1800 Mobile Phone for NCC type approval certification. ( PLMN01 )
  • 3G Mobile Phone for NCC type approval certification. ( PLMN08 )
  • 2.4 GHz TTE RF device for NCC type approval certification. ( RTTE01)
  • Subscriber Station for Wireless Broadband Access for NCC type approval certification. ( PLMN09 )
  • NCC LTE Mobile Broadband Subscriber Station ( PLMN 10 )
  • Product certification techniques research, standards services.

What Applicants Need to Know

Terms of the rights and the obligations for the applicant:
The applicant shall comply with the following provisions. The applicant is responsible for liability in case of any violation.
1. Applications for type approval certificate, the compliance approval certificate or declaration of conformity certificate reissue or renewal and examine relevant provisions of the measures should be the case.
2. After granting type approval certificates, compliance approval certificates or DoC certificates, the RCB may revoke the type approval certificates, compliance approval certificates or DoC certificates if any data/information attached to the application package is found to be counterfeited or false. Applicants should bear all legal liability.
3. Any doubt/problem found in the process of certification for compliance, the applicant shall be ready to provide necessary evidence to prove the compliance. If the sample is required to provide, the applicant should send it as soon as possible.
4. Upon completion of the conformity assessment procedure and registered to RCB, the applicant shall retain the approved equipment of sample, the special test software, the test special instrument for five years after stops to this equipment producing or stops importing.
5. Those who have acquired the certificate of type approval, completed the registration of DoC, or obtained the authorized to use type approval label or DoC label according to the previous article, shall refer to the label format printed on the certificate to produce type approval labels or DoC labels, and affix or emboss the labels on the certified equipment before the product can be sold or displayed publicly.
6. Type approval labels, compliance approval labels and DoC labels are restricted to use for displaying products approval, and compliance with the technical specifications requirements of NCC. Applicants shall ensure the product certificates and approval labels will not be misused.
7. When product certification information is referred in media such as documents, promotional materials or advertising, it shall comply with Telecommunications Act, Compliance Approval Regulations on Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices, Compliance Approval Regulations of Telecommunications Terminal Equipment, and other related provisions of the regulations, and meet the requirements of the RCB (Dekra).
8. When applicant sales or displays publicly certificated products, shall comply with Telecommunications Act, Compliance Approval Regulations on Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices, Administrative Regulations on Low Power Radio Waves Radiated Devices, Compliance Approval Regulations of Telecommunications Terminal Equipment, and other related provisions of the regulations.
9. For certificated product, the applicant shall keep a record of all complaints and make known to the supplier relating to a product’s compliance with requirements of the relevant standard and make these records available to RCB (Dekra) when requested. The applicant shall take appropriate action with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found in products that affect compliance with the requirement for certification, and documents the actions taken.
10. The applicant always fulfills the certification requirements (for example, remit the certification fee, provide information of engineering change on the certificated product, inform the way to access the certificated product for market surveillance activity), including implementing the appropriate changes when they are communicated by the RCB (Dekra).
11. If the certification applies to ongoing production, the certified product continues to fulfill the product requirements (eg. Regulations, standards, and technical specifications.).
12. When the RCB (Dekra) requests due to product certification needs, the applicant shall make all necessary arrangements for:
(1) the conduct of the evaluation (selection of conformity assessments activities and combinations of decision function) and surveillance (if required), including provision for examining documentation and records, and access to the relevant equipment, location(s), area(s), personnel, and applicant's subcontractors;
(2) investigation of compliants;
(3) The participation of observers, if applicable.
13. The applicant makes claims regarding certification consistent with the scope of certification (eg. the product(s), process(es) or service(s) for which the certification is granted; the applicable certification scheme, and; the standard(s) and other normative document(s), including their date of publication, to which it is judged that the product(s), process(es) or service(s) comply).
14. The applicant does not use its product certification in such a manner as to bring the RCB (Dekra) into disrepute and does not make any statement regarding its product certification that the RCB (Dekra) may consider misleading or unauthorized.
15. Upon suspension, withdrawal, or termination of certification, the applican discontinues its use of all advertising matter that contains any reference thereto and takes action as required by the certification scheme (e.g. the return of certification documents) and takes any other required measure.
16. If the applicant provides copies of the certification documents to others, the documents shall be reproduced in their entirety or as specified in the certification scheme.
17. In making reference to its product certification in communication media such as documents, brochures or advertising, the applicant complies with the requirements of the RCB ((Dekra) or as specified by the certification scheme.
18. The applicant complies with any requirements that may be prescribed in the certification scheme relating to the use of marks of conformity, and on information related to the product
19. The applicant informs the RCB ((Dekra), without delay, of changes that may affect its ability to conform with the certification requirements
Note: Examples of changes can include the following
  • the legal, commercial, organizational status or ownership,
  • organization and management (e.g. key managerial, decision-making or technical staff),
  • modifications to the product or the production method,
  • contact address and production sites,
  • major changes to the quality management system.
20. Once the relevant CTRFD (Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices ) technical specifications or TTE technical specifications are amended, the approved TRFD or TTE shall be re-submitted for compliance approval according to the effective date and the way of implementation as promulgated in the amended technical specifications.
21. Once the approved or registered TTE is modified in respect of brand name, model number, design or function, it should be re-submitted for compliance approval. Nevertheless, after modification in respect of design or function, if it remains in compliance with the relevant technical specifications, the applicant only needs to notify the RCB ((Dekra) the part of modification for reference.
22. The RCB ((Dekra) should perform market surveillance activities on the CTRFD or TTE from time to time.
23. For revoked or rescinded approval certificates or DoC certificates, NCC will announce to the public for the reason of abolishment and termination. Certificate holder will not be allowed to resubmit application with respect to the equipment with same brand name and model number within three months from the date of revocation or abolishment. The certificate holder shall be responsible for the retrieval of all sold products if his certificate is revoked or abolished by RCB. Certificate holder shall also make amends to the party for the loss caused.
24. The type approval label or compliance approval label are the proprietary of original applicant. When the certificate holder agrees others to use the type approval label or compliance approval label of the product with the same brand and model number, the certificate holder is request to submit a list of authorized type approval label or compliance approval label with the authorization letter to NCC for reference.
25. Those who have lost, or damaged type approval or compliance approval certificates may apply to the RCB ((Dekra) for re-issuance or replacement.
26. To protect consumers rights according to Article 24 of Consumer Protection Act " For imported goods or services, traders shall attach labels and instructions in Mandarin and the content of which shall not be less comprehensive than those required in the country of origin.". In addition to affixing or embossing type approval or compliance approval label on the product, the applicant shall provide user manual in Chinese to put into market.
As the above, the applicant has made the commitment to understand and will follow the relevant National Communications Commission provisions for product certification, and apply for product certification by DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd..