
Seraphim Solar System Co., Ltd.
Address of Licensee:No. 1-2, Hengyao Rd, Henglin Zhen, Wujin District, 213101 Changzhou, P.R. China
Product:Mono Crystalline Silicon PV Modules
Type(s):With Mono c-Si cells:
SRP-xxx-6MA(xxx=330-380, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
SRP-xxx-6MA-HV(xxx=330-380, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
SRP-xxx-6MB(xxx=275-315, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
SRP-xxx-6MB-HV(xxx=275-315, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
SRP-xxx-E01A(xxx=365-410, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
SRP-xxx-E01A-HV(xxx=365-410, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
SRP-xxx-E01B(xxx=305-340, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
SRP-xxx-E01B-HV(xxx=305-340, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
SRP-xxx-BMA(xxx=330-390, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
SRP-xxx-BMA-HV(xxx=330-390, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
SRP-xxx-BMB(xxx=275-325, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
SRP-xxx-BMB-HV(xxx=275-325, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
SRP-xxx-BMC(xxx=305-355, in steps of 5, 66 cells)
SRP-xxx-BMC-HV(xxx=305-355, in steps of 5, 66 cells)
SRP-xxx-6MA-BG(xxx=350-370, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
SRP-xxx-6MB-BG(xxx=295-310, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
SRP-xxx-6MA-DG(xxx=350-370, in steps of 5, 72 cells)
SRP-xxx-6MB-DG(xxx=295-310, in steps of 5, 60 cells)
Requirements specified in Standards• IEC 61215-1: 2016
• IEC 61215-1-1: 2016
• IEC 61215-2: 2016
• IEC 61730-1: 2016
• IEC 61730-2: 2016
Date22 August 2019